
A guiding star for tomorrow's Norway

What we did:
  • 01 Visual identity
  • 02 Communication
  • 03 Design
  • 04 Strategy
  • Society
  • Technology & Infrastructure
  • Education
  • Work
Enova Hero pic mountains with a lake or fjord


Enova, a state enterprise under the Ministry of climate and environment Department, invests billions of the community's funds each year to shape tomorrow's green Norway.

While they support innovators leading the transition to a sustainable future, their goal extends beyond mere financial support; they aim to inspire and ensure that Norway is at the forefront of the transformation to a low-emission society, creating vibrant change.

In light of this vision, Enova asked us to review their brand platform, outline a new branding strategy, and redesign their identity for the future.



Despite Enova being the nation's pioneer in new climate and energy technology and supporting measures that reduce emissions and create societal value, they were often perceived as merely a state financial support organisation. The then existing brand platform had its challenges - there was a clear absence of a design system, and they lacked a dynamic visual language to clarify their strategic changes. Many know Enova, but not everyone understands the position and role Enova has in the Norwegian private and business market.

The goal was to create a brand platform that clarified their position, laid the foundation for effective communication, and ensured accurate and consistent information dissemination.

Enova layouts Picture with a child
Enova industry
Enova logo
Enova logo
Enova logo
Enova logo
Enova colours
Typography. Hierarchy
Enova cup Enova layouts


Through a series of intensive strategy workshops, which at various times involved the entire Enova organisation, we collaborated to identify the company's challenges. A thorough review of the brand revealed Enova's current market position, strengths, and areas for improvement. This process, accompanied by extensive discussions, resulted in the formation of the new brand platform.

Enova brochures
Enova brochure layouts
Enova brochure layouts
Enova brochure layouts

Enova's new identity is articulated as: "For the pioneers. The innovators, trendsetters, visionaries, and the nation's leaders. Those who dare, see the need for change, homeowners, travellers and industry leaders. Enova finances, inspires, and cheers for the changemakers."

The star symbol, highlighting the "Nova" in Enova, refers to Enova's prominent role in societal transformation. It illustrates Enova's multifaceted roles, emphasising projects, crucial decisions, and priorities. A guiding star in a complex challenge.

The design system aims to highlight Enova's impact, stories, and initiatives across all communication channels.

Enova poster Enova badges
Enova banner
Enova website
Enova infographics
Enova infographics

For a complex company like Enova, we created a design system that is easy to use and covers different needs. The brand colours take inspiration from Norway and its nature, and places Enova as a partner in the shift to green energy. The main colours represent stability, security and the government mandate, with energetic touches of color with relation to the industry.

A flexible grid system with a selection of graphic shapes taken from the logo symbol provides opportunities across infographics, stats, image framing and digital buttons. A library of icons has been developed for use in communication across the various markets. The system is simple, scalable and adaptable for use on varied platforms and media.

Enova layouts Enova layouts Enova layouts


In 2020, surveys showed that 76% of the Norwegian population knew about Enova. At this point, Enova experienced a decline in familiarity, which signalled the need for a new approach. The results from the 2024 survey confirm the effect of this effort: The knowledge of Enova has increased to 91%, and 1 in 3 Norwegians now have good knowledge of Enovas operations. The proportion who actively support and speak positively about Enova also underlines this positive development.

It illustrates how a targeted and thought through brand platform and communication can revitalise and strengthen a brand, and we are proud to have contributed to Enova's success.


Furthermore, we continuously work on various communication projects across the organisation. Everything from campaigns and other communication, to art direction and image use. For example, raising awareness and clarifying Enova's role, information about industry support, clarifying requirements for financial partnership, as well as guidelines for social media and various projects associated with partners Enova works with.
